Thursday, June 18, 2009

April 2009

Hey all it has been a while since I posted. My whirlwind travel adventures are in overdrive. Let me recap some of the great places I have been before I get into my upcoming travels.

April brought me back to Boston for the a trifecta event. Jacques' Boston Marathon, Sebastian's First Birthday and Dad's 60th. Unfortunately, the trip was kind of a disaster with most of the people who came falling terribly ill with a stomach virus. Jac had to drop out of the marathon at the half, and several of us didn't even make it out to see him start. I still can't believe he was able to run a half marathon with that illness. Crazy.

Sebastian's First Birthday Party.

The day before the Marathon...and the illness.

The night before for the pasta dinner and the shirts.

The 2009 Start in Hopkington. Jacques is in there somewhere.

Jac at the half. Unfortunately this is where he needed to drop out. I believe his pace was still sub seven at this point. He is a machine.

My darling god-daughter Ruby and her mom (my sis) on a mission to the finish to retrieve Jac's bag.

So, Like I said the trip was kind of a disaster, but small moments like this, seeing little Ruby run and play, provided the little silver lining that was so needed on that day.

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