Thursday, July 5, 2007

Holy Hoi An!

Where do I even begin today?

OK from the top...I started the day with some shopping and sight seeing. I have been wanting an original local work of art so I spent most of the morning hopping from one artist's shop to another, and another, and another, and another, and another...Oh Sorry.

Seriously there are almost as many galleries as tailors. This place is simply fantastic.

Long made short, I bought 7 pieces from one guy. Six 5x10 oil on paper and one 16x22 oil on paper. This artist was the first one that really grabbed my attention. I was able to spend a half hour with him asking about his technique and inspiration. I asked him what he sees and hope others see...It was a great experience. I got all seven for $22.

The last one was one of those moments where it was just meant to be.

I had passed several galleries content with my purchases, but something made me turn left. I didn't see anything in the front that I liked, but continued in anyway. And there it was. Striking. The only problem was that it is something like 40x60 inches and there is surely NOWAY I could afford it. I spent a while talking with the artist and liked it more and more. There is some point when I knew that I would probably buy it at almost any cost...He started a $350...My heart sank. (That passed "almost any cost" by a longshot.)

After what must have been 10 to 15 minutes of continued chatting, I got the courage to make an offer.

"This is a very nice painting, but I can only offer $100." I said with a furrowed brow and sagging lower lip.

He shook his head without a word and said "I can see you really like it. I have not sold a piece in a while and maybe you will bring me good luck. OK, $100."

WOW! I got it! This is the first large canvas I have ever purchased.

So by now, I was late for my fitting of all the clothes I ordered the day before.
I tried it all on. Mostly fantastic with a few alterations here or there. I was amazed that after trying a shirt on, she would chalk in the alteration to be made, I would take it off and it would be whisked away. It seemed like before I was done putting on the next one it would reappear with the changes made. Amazing.

I am very impressed with the speed, quality and cost of the clothes. I tugged all the seams, buttons, snaps, etc. I looks pretty good. I will keep you posted on the life of them as I wear them.

OK. So I know I have typed a lot, but this is where the day gets really interesting. While getting fitted I was chatting it up with the shop keepers. We were laughing (mostly they were doing the laughing in a language I couldn't understand) and joking (at least I think they were jokes).

The next thing I know, I am in the market with one of them buying food for dinner. That's right I helped cook dinner for the entire family. Lao Cao and Hot Pot....Mmmm Mmmm Good! There I am with 8 Vietnamese sitting indian style on the floor sharing a meal that I helped prepare. FANTASTIC!!!!! That is a memory I will cherish for a long time to come.

After dinner, the younger members of the family took me out to a KTV spot. KTV is the private room karaoke thing. We sat there singing songs, sipping Fanta from little glasses, and rolling with laughter.

I sang my standard "Sweet Caroline" and "Lady in Red" and got a perfect score of 100 on both...that's right you get scored. The songs are a bit different as you may imagine and there was no one to do the "Bah, bah, baaah" in Sweet C, but a great time was had by this weary traveller.

This was a day that made memories to last a lifetime.

Sorry to write so much and for breaking the picture promise, but it is midnight and I have an early start tomorrow.

Woooohoooooo! Go Life Go!!!!


Anonymous said...

I love your stories, Jeff. What a great day! It honestly sounds amazing. I can't wait to see the paintings. xo Maelissa

Anonymous said...

Woohoo is right!! What a great day, I enjoyed just hearing about it... and you lived it!

Keep on keeping on...
Go Jeff Go!


Mom said...

Sorry that I won't be joining you for your Cambodian leg of your trip. Enjoy it for ALl if us since they will be closing it to the public soon.
Love Mom

Anonymous said...

You are great sir. Hoi An is a fun place and we are looking forward to seeing your painting purchases. Keep up the cultural experiences, the blogging, and the good times. Nice work.