Friday, July 20, 2007

Pictures and Stories I missed along the way: Hanoi.

Scooting along on Richard's new scooter.
(Richard, does it have a name yet?)

The Water Puppets.

I think my favourite part was that the performers giving the puppets music and voice were visible. There were several parts with a call and response that just cracked me up because the voices along with the puppets...I guess you just have to experience it.

The puppeteers. I won't divulge the secret of how they do will just have to go to Hanoi!


Anonymous said...

Ah... the famous Hanoi Water Puppets. Great show and a must see.

Keep on scooting Richie.
Jeff looks like you gave it a spin around Tay Hoy.

Great stuff - thanks for the pics.

Julie & Richard said...

Jeff! We certainly miss you already. Isn't this about the time you should be strolling back through the front door of 46 Tay Ho Street? I was so happy to spend so much time with you and hope the next trip will also include some travel time together. Thanks for being there for me during the difficult time leading to Ruby's birth. We felt so lucky to have you there the day she was born. So how is settling back into Seattle life? I am sure it is mixed - but can't wait to catch up by webcam soon. >LOVE to you! Jules

Mom said...

I just tried to respond but it didn't go through. So I will try again. I agree will all you expressed that they enjoyed reading your blog. It enabled me to be with you virtually. A great feeling for a mom. But now that your trip is over don't stop blogging. I quite like being included in the day to day life happenings. You got me hooked and quite looking for more. So don't stop just continue sharing your life no matter how mundane it may appear to you. Love Mom

Mom said...

Well, let see If I hit the right button, as you know typing in a foreign screen doesn't always get the results you where hoping for.
Again Love and keep the new coming.

Mom said...

I think I got it this time. See you soon at your birthday.
Mom & dad
by the way dad isn't doing so well. He spent the day in bed almost two days in a row. The first with Jet lage the second with intestinal problems. I am hoping tomarrow will be better for him.